Merci Design & Home Staging
Welcome to Merci Design & Home Staging
Premier Home Staging in Houston
Ellio Fine Art is featured in this magnificent home. If you see something you’re interested in, please call Brian Freeze @ 713-522-2701
#3 Remington Lane
4114 N. Braeswood
4907 Beech St.
5913 Sugar Hill
6230 Chevy Chase
Featured on the cover of
Professional Photographers of America Inc.’s March Issue
With a passionate belief that great design can enhance lives and make a difference to those that use and engage with it, the Merci Design and Home Staging process involves examining each project's context in order to come up with design solutions that feel appropriate to the situation at hand.
Founded in 2010, Merci Design and Home Staging has established a reputation for delivering high impact projects, often producing innovative design solutions despite limited resources.
Working with a diverse range of clients including realtors, owners and builders, Merci Design and Home Staging has a proven track record for selling houses quickly and close to the asking price. To learn more, contact either of the Merci Design and Home Staging's owners.